Why Giblog web pages are so high performance

Web page responses created with Giblog are high performance.

Why Giblog's web page responds so quickly

The reason Giblog's web pages are so responsive is that Giblog generates static HTML.

In the case of a dynamic CMS tool, the program runs every time it is executed.

Running the program costs more in performance than simply returning static HTML to the web server.

If you add a plugin or other user program to a dynamic website, the website will slow down each time you add the plugin.

Giblog statically generates a web page and turns it into an HTML file, so there is no run-time cost, which is the same as the cost for Apache and Nginx to return static HTML.

The static HTML file has a fast response because the cache on the Web server side also works until the information is new.

No need for difficult settings

Giblog provides the best performance by simply placing the file in the document root of the web server with git clone.

In the case of a dynamic CMS tool, if the operation was working with CGI, change to a reverse proxy configuration and do something like performance improvement in order to improve performance as access increases. I will.

Giblog statically generates HTML, so it has the fastest performance from the beginning.